Pre-25% Design
Scoping Procedure
This Engineering Directive provides a procedure for refining the scope of a
project approved by the
Project Review Committee (PRC) and establishing the basis for a 25% design
submission. This procedure shall
apply to all municipal and state projects except for various location maintenance projects or as otherwise
determined through consultation with the Deputy Chief Engineer for Project Development or his/her
1.1. Responsible section
head assigns the Project
Manager (PM).
1.2. Project Manager
requests PARS Numbers.
1.3. Project
Manager confirms purpose and need and evaluates need for Project Scoping Meeting (PSM) and consults with the Deputy
Chief Engineer for Project Development, if needed.
Project Manager notifies
proponent to include
PSM in design schedule, if needed.
Proponent includes direction to develop schedule for
participating in a Project Scoping Meeting,
performing data collection and conceptual design and conducting Over The Shoulder
(OTS) Review within 6 months of Design NTP or direction
to advance design.
Create meeting invitation list using Attachment 1 as a guide.
Consult with District to identify meeting site. On-site meetings are preferred unless conditions warrant a virtual
site meeting using MaPIT or another digital tool.
Project Manager and/or Designer conducts overview of existing conditions.
Project Manager reviews Purpose and Need
and Scope of Work as
approved by PRC.
3.5. Identify any risks to pursuing scope as approved
by the PRC. Examples include
underground utilities,
limited right of way, environmental impacts.
3.6. Obtain input
for cross section(s) to accommodate all users, project limits and project scope; identify utility constraints,
preliminary environmental permitting requirements, and design
3.7. Determine data
collection and conceptual analysis needs. Examples
include draft design justification workbook, safety alternatives analysis, and typical section
4.1. Data
considerations: Utility survey, crash data, roadway safety audits, traffic
counts, field survey
and base plan, hydraulic analysis,
borings, preliminary structures report, pavement test pits and cores, and other project data
as required.
4.2. Design
requirements: Consider public outreach meetings with local officials/general public/project abutters; perform early
utility coordination; early environmental coordination;
gather other data as needed. Develop
conceptual (10% level) design(s) with
critical cross sections, roll plan and preliminary profile views; preliminary Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE)
Stage 2; prepare draft Design Justification Workbook identifying potential design exceptions; prepare preliminary project
estimate; prepare design
schedule using schedule template; prepare preliminary ROW impact summary; and provide preliminary
construction staging using the default construction duration by project
5.1. Schedule meeting
two weeks in advance using Attachment 1. Attach meeting
material to the meeting
invitation to provide materials in advance of the meeting.
5.2. Project
manager conducts OTS Review of Purpose and Need and scope as approved by the PRC and the conceptual design(s) and
analysis with the project team including all
items identified in the Project
Scoping Checklist (Attachment 2). In-person meetings
are preferred on-site or in a
District Office to confirm the scope, selection of preferred conceptual design, and resolve
any remaining internal
comments and public concerns.
5.3. Project manager
documents the OTS Review and progress by summarizing
the scoping meeting and OTS
Manager evaluates the current scope of work and public feedback against the PRC Approved
Purpose and Need and Scope
of Work.
7.1. If the scope has changed as defined in the DSC/PRC
Resubmission Criteria below the PM shall elevate the issue to the Office
of the Chief Engineer through the Design Solutions Committee (DSC) for resolution in Step 8.
The Project Contract Cost increases by an amount larger
than the current contract cost + design
At the pre-25%
Scoping Meeting, if an estimated contract cost is 10% greater than the PRC estimated
construction cost (including design contingency), the project scope will
be reviewed.
Post pre-25%, if the estimated construction cost of any
design submission or updated cost
is 5% greater than the pre-25% estimated construction cost (including design contingency), the
project scope must be confirmed by the DSC. If no pre-25% submission, then the
baseline will be the PRC construction cost.
There is a change to the Project Scope or Project Limits
that is outside of the original
Purpose and Need of the project as approved at PRC, was not identified/approved during a Pre-25%
Scoping Meeting or previous submission, or may cause a
considerable delay to the schedule or deliverability of the project. Examples
of project changes requiring
A new design
alternative is being
recommended that was not previously considered.
The addition of new or expanded assets beyond the
established project limits or need.
The project is combined with another project or split off
from an existing project.
Modifications to the project scope or limits
negatively impact project
deliverability or schedule.
Examples include, but are not limited to:
New ROW impacts such as Article 97, 4f, 6f, cultural
resources, rail permits, new State
or Local ROW, relocations, or additional survey work.
New Environmental Permitting.
If the scope and
public feedback align with the PRC Approved
project, proceed to Step 10.
Solutions Committee (DSC) decides whether the design can proceed to the next design stage (Step 10) or must be
resubmitted to the Deputy Chief Engineer for Project Development for review and submission to PRC for further evaluation (Step 9).
Deputy Chief
Engineer for Project Development reviews and submits project to PRC for further evaluation.
Project Manager
proceeds to 25% Design by updating the Purpose and Need, documenting the scope, confirming the project description and
amending initial design scope, if needed.
10.1. If the project
description changes, the Project Manager coordinates with the Advertising Program Manager to finalize
the description and notify the District and
Planning regarding the need to amend
the project in the STIP if necessary.
10.2. Amend initial
design scope based on above to include design through 25% Design Public
Hearing or design completion depending on the project.
Attachment 1 – Meeting Invite Chart Attachment 2 – Project
Scoping Checklist
Choose core disciplines according to project type
Project Type -> Core Discipline |
Bridge |
Intersection Improvements * |
Shared Use Path |
New Construction |
New Sidewalks, Curbing and Curb Ramps |
Pavement Marking |
Resurfacing |
Roadway Reconstruction |
Safety Improvements / SRTS |
Traffic Signals |
Other: |
Designer (in-house or consultant) |
R |
R |
R |
R |
R |
R |
R |
R |
R |
R |
R |
Bridge |
R |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
Highway Design* |
R |
R |
R |
R |
R |
R |
R |
R |
R |
R |
R |
District Construction |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
District all other disciplines |
District Projects staff shall attend
all meetings but
consult with the
District PDE to determine which
other disciplines are needed. |
Environmental |
R |
O** |
R |
R |
O |
O |
O |
R |
O |
O |
O |
Geotechnical |
R |
O |
O |
R |
O |
O |
O |
R |
O |
O |
O |
Hydraulics*** |
R |
O |
O |
R |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
Consult with
FHWA on all Projects of Division Interest (PODIs) |
Landscape |
O |
O |
R |
R |
O |
O |
O |
R |
O |
O |
O |
Materials |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
Pavement |
O |
R |
O |
R |
O |
O |
R |
R |
O |
O |
O |
R |
R |
R |
R |
R |
O |
O |
R |
R |
R |
R |
Traffic and Safety**** |
O |
R |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
R |
R |
R |
O |
Utilities |
R |
R |
R |
R |
R |
O |
O |
R |
R |
R |
R |
Transit |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
Municipality |
R |
R |
R |
R |
R |
R |
R |
R |
R |
R |
O |
R = Required, O = optional. * Highway
Design shall include the ADA, Complete Streets, and/or the Location Engineers.
**Consider Hazmat involvement with Intersection Improvement projects. *** Include
Hydraulics for projects
over water or will affect
a river, stream
or water course.
****Safety involvement may be beneficial for certain project
Project File No.: Date:
Project Description:
![]() |
Bridge; Bridge No. : Safety Improvements / Safe Routes to School
Intersection Improvements Shared Use Path
New Construction Traffic Signals
Pavement Markings Resurfacing
Roadway Reconstruction
New Sidewalks, Curbing and Curb Ramps Other:
Project Proponent: |
Municipality |
MassDOT |
Other: |
Asset Ownership: Project Purpose & Need: |
Municipality |
Estimated Construction Cost: Programmed Funds (if available):
![]() |
Candidate for Preservation
If not Preservation; Substructure elements are worthy of analysis for re-use Candidate for Superstructure Replacement
Candidate for Full Replacement Comments:
Preliminary Structures Report (Check box if project to retain any portion of exist. structure) Boring / Probe Layout Plan
Geotechnical Report
Bridge Type Selection Worksheet Sketch Plans
Additional Studies:
Bridge is over Railroad (indicate the Line; Segment; MP in Comments) If over Railroad, is this a Chapter 634 Bridge?
Increase Channel Width for Hydraulic or
Environmental Purposes Required Min.
Horizontal Clearance for Bridge not
over Railroad
Required Min. Horizontal Clearance for Bridge
over Railroad, not Chapter 634 Required Min. Vertical Clearance for Bridge not over Railroad
Required Min. Vertical Clearance for Bridge over Railroad, not Chapter 634
For Horizontal Clearance: Specify in comments the clearance from what Controlling Element.
The Controlling Element may be face of abutment or pier; edge of travelled way, etc.
For Vertical Clearance: Specify in comments the clearance from what Controlling Element. The Controlling Element may be roadway shoulder; top of rail; design year flood; etc.
Describe Bridge Geometry
(indicate Span Length;
Skew: Structure Depth; etc.)
![]() |
Project located within 1/4 mile (1500
feet) of an Environmental Justice and/or Title VI area?
Project located within 1500 feet of School, Library, Park, Transit, Senior Center,
Describe below:
Top 200 Intersection Crash Cluster located in Project Area; Describe below HSIP Crash Cluster located in Project Area; Describe below
Bicycle Crash Cluster located in Project Area; Describe below HSIP Pedestrian Crash Cluster located
in Project Area; Describe below
Crash Locations:
Police Crash Reports Required:
Crash Diagrams Required
Corridor Crash Mapping Required
Road Safety Audit Required (prior to 25%)
Safety Alternative Analysis Required (Check box if project anticipates receiving HSIP funds)
HSIP Eligibility & Alternative Safety Analysis
Interstate Rural Principal Arterial
Urban Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial
Urban Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector
Urban Collector Rural Minor Collector
Urban Local Rural Local
Proposed project is on the National Highway System (NHS)
Annual Daily Traffic (ADT) Daily Bicycle Volume
Percent Truck Traffic Daily Pedestrian Volume
Posted (or Statutory) Speed Limit
Measured Free Flow Speed (if available)
Project area is candidate
for Motor Vehicle and/or Multimodal Safety Countermeasures; Including Traffic
Calming, Road Diet and other Safety Measures
Target Design Speed Comments:
Existing: Proposed:
Width of Existing Right-of-Way Layout Number
of Travel Lanes
Width of Travel Lanes Width of Turning Lanes Width of
Width of On-Road Bicycle Facility,
include buffer Width of Shared-Use Path (note 1 side or both)
Width of Separated Bike Lane (note 1 side
or both) Width of Roadway
Width of Sidewalk*, include
curb (note 1 side or both) Width of
On-Street Parking (note 1 side or both)
Width of Median
Width of Bus Stops**
*Less than 5.5' Sidewalk Width, including curb, requires waiver
**Confirm proposed bus stop width with transit agency; 8.5' Min., including curb, for MBTA
Existing Profile appears to meet design standards (verify during preliminary design) Existing Sidewalks, Curb Ramps and Driveways appear ADA/AAB Compliant Maintain / Optimize Existing Profile
Improve Profile; Consider Min. Vertical Clearance, Stormwater Low
Points and Flood Resiliency Comments:
Existing Alignment appears to meet design standards (verify during preliminary design) Maintain / Optimize Existing Alignment
Improve Alignment Comments:
Describe Limits with proximity to nearest feature, intersection, mile marker, town line, address, etc. Begin Project:
For Bridge: Feet beyond Abutment in this direction: End Project
For Bridge: Feet beyond Abutment in this direction: Comments:
Ultra Thin Bond, Microsurfacing, Fog Seal, Chip Seal, Waterproof Surface Course, etc. Mill & Overlay (Functional or Structural)
Hot/Cold in Place Recycling Reclamation
Full Depth Reconstruction New Construction
No Proposed Improvement
Candidate for Full Road Closure and Detour; Describe possible detour route in Comments Candidate for Accelerated Construction Techniques
Candidate for Stage Construction
Candidate for Alternative One-Way Traffic Candidate for Night Work
Potential Construction Lay Down Area; Describe in Comments
Potential for buried man-made objects / unidentified hazardous waste present Potential for unexpected geotechnical or groundwater issues present Seasonal or time restrictions required during construction
Project overlaps and/or adjacent to another
project scope and/or schedule Comments:
![]() |
Carried on Bridge (if applicable):
Under Bridge (if applicable):
Can widening be cone on a side of the road that does not have Utility Poles? Does City / Town need to upgrade water, sewer, or drainage?
Does City / Town need to perform sewer / drainage separation? Does gas company need to upgrade old Cast Iron / Barrel Steel Pipe?
C. Utility Exploration Designer to Obtain MassDOT to
Obtain Designer
to Obtain MassDOT to
Utility Test Pits:
Utility Exploration (SUE): SUE Quality Level(s) - Check all that apply
D: Collection & correlation of existing utility records C: Survey of visible utility facilities
B: Determine existence and horizontal position of utility facilities within area of excavation A: Physically expose existing subsurface utility facilities to find vertical subsurface position
![]() |
Project is anticipated to increase the impervious surface of the travelled way Square Feet of increase (if unknown, mark as TBD - to be determined)
Project is anticipated to widen the roadway by 4 feet or more for half a mile or more
Linear Feet of widening of 4' or more (if unknown, mark as TBD - to be determined) Project is anticipated to meet, or exceed MassDEP Stormwater Standards
Does the project area directly discharge (via pipe or overland flow) into any Category 5 Impaired waterbodies?
Does the project propose how to treat, mitigate (or maintain if sufficient) discharge into this
Impaired Waterbody (meeting TMDL requirements)?
Project is anticipated to include
BMPs to ensure existing stormwater conditions will at least be
maintained; Check anticipated BMPs below:
Pretreatment BMPs Conveyance
Deep sump catch basins Water quality swales
Sediment forebays Grass channels (formerly biofilter swales) Vegetated Filter Strips BMPs
Treatment BMPs Porous Pavement
Bioretention areas including rain gardens Infiltration basins and trenches Constructed stormwater wetlands Leaching catch basins Extended dry detention basin Subsurface structure(s)
Treebox filters Country Drainage
Wet basins Other:
Provide photographs that clearly illustrate existing site conditions such as local land use and context (urban, suburban, rural, etc.); Provide additional details in the comments.
Wetlands / waterways present
Area buildings or public open space in close proximity to the site?
Bridge Projects: Does the bridge appear to restrict the natural flow regime of the waterway? Bridge Projects: If the bridge is over waterway, is it navigable?
Early Environmental Checklist
Bridge Project: Determine Nat'l Register of Historic Places status of structure - Eligible or Listed Potential Permits / License required:
Chapter 91 Public Waterfront Act Section 106 - National Historic Preservation Coastal Zone Management Act U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Section 404
MA Wetlands Protection Act U.S. Coast Guard - Section 9 Rivers and Harbors
NEPA / MEPA Water Quality Certification - Section 401 NPDES - Section 402 Clean Water Act Wild and Scenic Rivers Act
Section 4(f) and/or 6(f) if the DOT Act MA Coastal Flood Risk Model (MC-FRM) Section 10 Rivers and Harbors Unknown, to be determined
Easements, Takings or Alterations anticipated to be required Responsibility:
Consider potential impacts to Conservation Land, Open Space including Public Parks & Monuments, Public Reservations, Public Athletic fields, Public Concert area, Municipal commons and Public Playgrounds. Consider impacts to Public watershed properties, Fish & Wildlife property, DCR property, properties having an Agricultural Restriction or Conservation Restriction.
Easements, Permits or Licenses from DCR, Fisheries
& Wildlife, MBTA or MWRA;
Describe below
Impact to Railroad or Public Utility
Corridor; Describe below
For proposed modifications to Existing Traffic Signals, ATR counts for the side street approaches shall be collected for a minimum of 24 continuous weekday-hours; Also minimum of the highest 8 hours of the day for the minor street shall be conducted by manual turning movement count method.
Crash Data
Safety Audit
Pavement Cores Wetlands Delineation
Field Verify ADA/AAB Compliance for Sidewalks and Curb Ramps to be retained
Preliminary Decision Value calculation per Bridge Manual 2.1.4 (for Accel. Bridge Construction)
Pre-25% "Over-the-Shoulder" (OTS) Review Meeting (see required deliverables in section B) Public Information Meeting, if needed (after Pre-25% OTS)
Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE) - Stage 3 (after Public
Informational Meeting, if needed) Other:
Conceptual (10% level) design with critical cross sections, roll plan and preliminary profiles Typical Section Alternatives Analysis
Draft Design Justification Workbook Safety Alternatives Analysis
Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE) - Stage 2 Preliminary Estimate
Preliminary Construction Staging
Preliminary ROW Impact Summary for
Alternatives Other:
Design Justification
Workbook Safety Alternatives Analysis Guide
C. 25% Design Submission
Functional Design Report Pavement Design Report
Checklists per PDDG Checklist & Submission Workbook Estimate
Preliminary Right of Way Plans
Preliminary Utility Coordination & Colored Utility Plans Estimate of utility adjustments / relocations @25% Initial Contract Time Determination
Checklists &
Submission Guides Construction Project Estimator (CPE) Right of Way Plan Preparation Guide
D. Post-25% Submission Items Design Public Hearing
Contract Time Determination Incentive / Disincentive Other:
Contract Time
Determination (CTD) Guide Incentive / Disincentive Guide
Project File No.: |
Scoping Meeting Date: |
Project Description: |
Checklist Prepared by: |
Meeting Location: |
On-Site |
Virtual |
Attendee Disciplines (Refer to Meeting Invite Chart in the Pre-25%
Engineering Directive)
Name Organization / Discipline: Email: