Home » Our Work » Performance-based Planning and Programming
The Boston Region MPO envisions an equitable, pollution-free, and modern regional transportation system that gets people to their destinations safely, easily, and reliably, and that supports an inclusive, resilient, healthy, and economically vibrant Boston region.
-Destination 2050 Vision
On February 6, 2025, the MPO board voted to adopt the Commonwealth of Massachusetts’ calendar year (CY) 2025 targets for a set of federally required roadway safety performance measures. The Commonwealth and MPOs are required to establish one-year targets for these measures on an annual basis, which pertain to fatalities and serious injuries occurring on roadways. By adopting these targets, the MPO agrees to plan and program projects that help the Commonwealth achieve its roadway safety targets. For more information about these measures, CY 2025 targets, and related processes, please refer to the memorandum titled Roadway Safety Targets, Calendar Year 2025 (PDF) Roadway Safety Targets, Calendar Year 2024 (HTML).
Performance Measure |
CY 2021-2025 |
CY 2023-2027 |
MA Long-Term |
Number of Fatalities |
365 |
315 |
0 |
Fatality Rate (per 100M VMT) |
0.58 |
0.48 |
0 |
Number of Serious Injuries |
2,622 |
2,258 |
0 |
Serious Injury Rate (per 100M VMT) |
4.17 |
3.48 |
0 |
Number of Nonmotorized Fatalities and Serious Injuries |
497 |
445 |
0 |
Notes: All values are expressed as five-year rolling averages.
CY = Calendar Year. VMT = Vehicle-Miles Traveled.
Sources: Federal Highway Administration, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Boston Region MPO staff.