Boston Region Vision Zero Action Plan - A Roadmap to Safer Streets

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3 side-by-side photos: a woman sitting on a bus shelter bench, a crossing guard helping families with school children cross a street, and a woman pressing a pedestrian signal call button

What’s Happening

We launched a new website with all the project information for the Regional Vision Action Plan. Please visit the site, take our survey, sign-up for the mailing list, and leave us a comment.

In September, the Boston Region MPO was awarded a second Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) grant. The U.S. Department of Transportation awarded the MPO $7.5 million to support the implementation of the Regional Vision Zero Action Plan.

With this new award, the MPO will collaborate with municipalities to design and implement a variety of safety interventions. These include quick-build traffic calming projects such as speed humps and high-visibility crosswalks. The MPO will also conduct planning projects, crash analyses, roadway safety audits, and community engagement campaigns. These activities will foster regional coordination, enhance safety planning efforts, and lay the groundwork for future large-scale transportation infrastructure projects aligned with Vision Zero principles.

Vision Zero Action Plan

The Boston Region MPO is creating a Vision Zero Action Plan for the 97 cities and towns in the Boston region. This work is funded by a Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) planning grant from the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT). The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law established the new SS4A discretionary program, with $5 billion in appropriated funds over five years (2022–26). Vision Zero is an internationally recognized strategy to eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe injuries while increasing safe, healthy, equitable mobility for all. The Boston Region MPO was awarded $2.16 million from USDOT and received 20 percent matching funds from the Massachusetts Department of Transportation, bringing the total grant amount to $2.7 million.

In developing the Vision Zero Action Plan, the MPO will adopt the Safe System approach that deems deaths and serious injuries unacceptable, focuses on safety for people, acknowledges that humans make mistakes, and builds redundancies to prevent severe crashes. The Vision Zero Action Plan will include analysis of crash data to identify trends and high-risk corridors, engagement with communities disproportionately impacted by roadway safety issues, and the formulation of evidence-based, data-driven policy and project recommendations.

The final Vision Zero Action Plan, with an anticipated completion date of June 2025, will provide a framework that will unlock additional safety project and program implementation funds for municipalities in future SS4A funding rounds.

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Ali Kleyman, Principal Planner, Vision Zero Program,